Kat Dennings is stealthily stacked

I sat through Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist and Thor, and I knew that Kat Dennings was in both of them. I thought she was a funny, up and coming indie actress who could possibly go the Parker Posey route when it comes to her Hollywood career progression.

What I didn’t realize was that she was hiding these sweater puppies the entire time. I mean… where did they come from? How did I not notice these things throughout those two movies? Was I incredibly distracted by the dialogue, or are they imbued with stealth technology? What’s her bra size? 42F-117?

Kat Dennings and her epic cleavage

Apparently there are some nude pics of her leaked onto the Internet too. I won’t put those up here, but you can go ahead and Google them yourself.

About Drew

I love my kids, my wife movies and video games (in no particular order). Sometimes my dog too, but he likes to stink up my pillow these days. View all posts by Drew

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